Volunteer opportunity to work with children having Chemotherapy in a day care centre.

Volunteer Opportunity for Nepal, China and Bangeladesh
We need experienced presenters to offer Leadership Modules to University Students.
Most speak English a little, but we have a translate all Lessons. If you are interested in more information
Gary and I have been facilitation the Leadership program for the past couple of years. We spent 2 months in China and 2 months in Nepal, establishing and open the Nepal Academy. Working with woman to be the best they can be, and Gary talking gender equality and leadership has been a life changing experience.
We have two projects in Nepal, no more child brides and out of the cow sheds. I will write more about that
The World Academy for the Future of Women grew from a need expressed by women students for a transformational leadership experience that would enable them to make a difference in the lives of others.
Women and men are selected for the World Academy based on a commitment to advancing women in leadership roles at a time that offers so many possibilities, yet still presents so many obstacles.
Most of our World Academy members come from poor rural communities and are often the first in their families to get a college education.
World Academy members who receive certification are:
Going back into their communities to institute vital projects in the areas of health, education economics, social justice, and the environment. They are making a difference in their communities, countries and beyond.
Graduating at the top of their class and attending graduate schools where they will expand their horizons and realize their dreams.
Giving back to the World Academy with both their time and financial
OUR VISION is an international network of dynamic professionals who partner with others to enrich and enhance their work–as individuals and as teams–to improve the systems and the clients they serve.
OUR MISSION is to accelerate the exchange of best practices, technologies, and research through conversations, discussions, and demonstrations that bring understanding, mutual respect, and benefit through this interactive process
Come and join our outstanding body of facilitators who are passionate about global equality, who are eager to make a difference in other people’s lives, who want to add more meaning to their own lives. Our facilitators are so busy that they sometimes wonder why they say yes, but they continue to do so! Why? Because as rewarding as our program is to the students, it is an even richer and more fulfilling experience for those teaching the program: the facilitators themselves. Explore possibilities locally and globally that will enable you to produce results beyond what you can now imagine. Create a new future for women worldwide.
To register or request more information call 602-505-7888 or email info@globalinteractions.org
Orientation available in Australia.....Love to hear from you if you would like more information
Join our next Introduction & Orientation: July 13-15, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ
Cost: $95 (includes meals and training materials)